The Smallest School in the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
Salcha Elementary is located approximately 36 miles southeast of Fairbanks on the Richardson Highway. It is one of the smallest school in Fairbanks North Star Borough School District. We serve students in grades K-5, with a regular staff of a principal, four certified teachers, a kindergarten aide, a tutor, a library associate, a behavior specialist and four itinerant staff who provide our students with speech and language, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and social emotional learning from our certified counselor.
A Full Range of Services
Salcha provides a full range of curricular activities with an emphasis upon basics. Each of our classrooms is a self-contained unit; however, because of our flexibility, we are able to be creative in our scheduling, maximizing the expertise of our staff to the fullest and effectively utilizing all parts of our building. As a result, our students have many opportunities for small group or one-on-one instructional time.
Contact Information
Physical Address
8530 Richardson Highway
Salcha, AK 99714
Mailing Address
520 5 Fifth Ave
Fairbanks, AK 99701
School Hours
Students: 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Office: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Nick Hoy
907-488-3267 x10110
Dana Martin
Elementary School Administrative Secretary
(907) 488-3267 x10115